Une synthèse en 10 chapitres/besoins fondamentaux de l'économie "réparatrice" qui s'invente un peu partout dans le monde
Ed. Thames & Hudson, 2015
Dans son dernier ouvrage, le designer John Thackara décrit et analyse "les manières à travers lesquelles des communautés dans le monde entier créent concrètement une autre économie, une économie réparatrice." Les exemples cités marient sans discontinuité la permaculture et les monnaies alternatives, les tissus écologiques et le télétravail.
Each chapter is about creative ways to tackle timeless needs that matter: restoring the land, sharing water, making homes, journeying, growing food, designing clothes, journeying, and caring for each other. I write of soil restorers and river keepers; seed savers and de-pavers; cloud commuters and e-bike couriers; care farmers; food system curators; fibershed stewards; money designers and more – from Bali to Brazil, as well as Delhi, London, and California.
Throughout the book I celebrate the power of small actions to transform the bigger picture – especially in the ways projects are connecting together as social and ecological systems: food commons, social farming, fibersheds, cycle commerce, and care cooperatives. These arrangements add up to a new kind of social infrastructure for the next economy: local money, mutual aid, platforms for sharing, Commoning, and Earth Law.